Grasp 0.2.0 released!

17 December 2013 - George Zahariev

Grasp 0.2.0 has been released!

Grasp is a command line utility that allows you to search and replace your JavaScript code - but unlike programs such as grep or sed it searches the structure behind your code (the abstract syntax tree), rather than simply the text you’ve written - this allows you to:

This version fixes some bugs and adds new features which really make it easy to refactor your code using Grasp.

Install with npm install -g grasp (or see install page).

Update with npm update -g grasp.

I’m also happy to announce that a Sublime Text plugin has been developed for Grasp: sublime-grasp by joneshf. This has been added to the new tools section of the site. To any vi, Emacs, or other text editor/IDE plugin developers: create a plugin for Grasp and be featured in the next release post and in the tools section!

Check out the main site, the demo, the quick start guide, and the documentation!

Questions? Comments? Join #graspjs on Freenode and talk to gkz or post an issue in the GitHub issues section.


Migrating from 0.1.0

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